Sunday, March 27, 2011

Are we using our ‘people data’ to create value?

The article touched on the continued use/growth of human resource analytical software, and how the results directly correlate between people and performance. In my own personal experience, I've worked at a place where they've implemented ERP software, and I felt it had a great impact on the workplace as a whole. Not only did it create a central data source for forms, policies, and procedures; but it also helped to manage and analyze worker performance. Entering information into a system, and having the data analyzed or compared to note trends, problems, and highlights in employee performance are much easier than simply filling out paperwork and filing it.


  1. Teri,
    I am a huge believer in upfront investing in training extensive for employees. Theis ERP software gives upper management some measurables that mean so much to people who need to see value in their investment. Many see it as common since that if a company is willing to invest in traing employees will tend to perform better.
    The the ERP soft ware can be set-up to help in the hiring process. If any one has read Jim Collins book "Good to Great" has to remember the phrasing of "get the right people on the bus". I truely belive that HR is the backbone of the company I work for. At Sargento we have great employees the typical employee goes the extra mile when asked but most important of all they are all quality minded. Quality is Sargento's trade mark. We are not the cheepest cheese in the store but we are arguelly the best quality. This can only happen with people who care about the quality of every cheese packet that leaves our plants.
    People make or break a companay and providing measurables to track and aid in the training and recruiting is a great trend and I am in full support.

  2. To further this discussion I have inserted this link below:;col1

    Organizations Lag Behind in Measuring Learning's Value
    In this article it shares that over half of the companies surveyed still don't connect training to improved financials. This is hard for me to understand is it that companies just won't admit the value. Is it because companies just don't want to invest in employees upfront becuase we all know when times get tough the first thing pulled is training. In my opinion this is a bad move. We have seen it in our case studies if you don't have trained people you struggle. The class I took before this was Strategy and Policy. In this class we broke into to teams and played this extensive business simulation. I loved it by way. But one section in this simulation was HR and you could invest in trai ing and recruiting. This obviosuly effective the bottom line that week. Most teams invested little to nothing. We invested heavy it did impact bottom lines at first but toward the later rounds we our productivity from our employees was better then all the rest. The trend in all industries is like stated in this article is do more with less. In the long ru n you can if you invest in traing. Very critical in my opinion. The most sucessful organizations out there will have a commitement to training.
    Now we just need to track it to prove it.
