Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Culture Of Business

This article basically says that different forms of corporate cultures work in different markets. What works for Microsoft wouldn't work for say Delta airlines, and finding the right culture involves a little trial & error sometimes. I don't really like the fact that the term corporate culture is used as much as it is in todays business environment. To me culture is something that doesn't change. We as intelligent people can adapt to different surroundings and learn from other cultures, especially in a business environment where the way of doing things can change with the market itself. Changing up the direction of a company in order to stay competitive or to gain a new competitive advantage is what a good business is supposed to be able to do, but the focus still is geared towards profits and creating a high functioning, cohesive, team that does things a certain way that works for them, so the culture really wouldn't change, but the focus of the company would. That's why I don't like the term corporate culture, I understand the meaning, but just don't dig it.

1 comment:

  1. Aaron I agree that cultures are going to be different in different business sectors. I don't think companies focus enough on their corporate culture, to me it's defined more as my working environment-and the things my employer is doing to help me become a healthy/better person all around because that will in turn help me to be more efficient in my job. I've had the term in a few of my classes now, so I'm guessing we're seeing just the beginning of it.
