Monday, March 21, 2011

AT&T/T-Mobile Violate Antitrust Laws?

I personally think this merger is a terrible thing, for consumers at least. The acquisition will lead to higher prices for users and will limit the number of options available for cellular phone choices. There was a reason for the break up of Bell Systems in 1974 due to the anti-trust laws. There was finally competition and choices. Now we're just heading back to the same old system of one large company holding all the power. Except this time AT&T also does TV, internet, home and cell phones.


  1. I agree we need to have competion. This will certainly not lower the prices. I'm also concerned that we will not have enough coverage, that there will be enough towers to cover the added number of people on this plan. It is feeling more and more like we will soon not have any choices for anyhting thta we do or purchase.

  2. It is just another example of runaway capitalism. Some folks say we should just let the market determine everything. If we do that the end loser is the consumer. Corporate grip on the US is unprecedented. Anything goes in respect to political contributions, while union donations are vilified. Where will it end? Maybe by having a revolution? I certainly hope not!
    With regard to the prices people will have to pay for mobile service, I'm not concerned. We've been sold a bill of goods to think we have to have these services. BALOGNA! My wife and I decided cable TV rates were too high, so we put up an antenna and diconnected our cable TV. We only get 4 channels, but we waste a lot less time watching TV and do a lot more reading.(and doing homework).

  3. I have very negative feelings towards AT&T. Dropped calls, searching for signal, terrible customer no service. AT&T and me really don't get along well.
    AT&T purchasing T-mobile does AT&T no good.
    AT&T is crap, they purchased crap, so now they are just a bigger pile of crap.
    The sole problem that AT&T faces is that they do not allow sharing of their towers with competition. AT&T owns their own towers and your AT&T phone can only connect to their towers. US Cellular, Verizon, etc... they own towers but they also share them with their competition. This allows them to have great service anywhere and eliminates dropped calls or no service areas. AT&T shoots themselves in the foot by not allowing this. AT&T could be a great company if they weren't so possessive of their products and services.
