Sunday, March 27, 2011

McInnovation: How a fast food giant sees the world

In doing business globally, a company must know how to promote their products for each different culture. McDonald's is one of those companies that has learned from failure in the past and has become an expert in doing business globally. I found that this article ties into the class very well. We have talked about how businesses fail due to a lack of not finding out more about the culture before taking products overseas and McDonalds is the perfect example of this.


  1. It does make sense with the different cultures, that you can not transplant an American menu in a foreign land. Understanding the ideas and food that appeals to the global palate will only help your product survive.
    The Chinese, Mexican, and many other restaurants we have here in the United States do not serve their authentic recipes, they have modified to what works and what is consumed by the customer.

  2. I agree in order to be successful in this global economy you have to have a team of marketing people that have done their homework. Each culture has some differences that may not seem important to us but to them it will determine whether a product will succeed or fail. i think befoer you go into a new market you ahve to emerse yourself in their culture before you try anyhting new.

  3. The fast food companies are doing very well at tailoring food to be true to the brand but also culture specific. I agree with Bonnie's point that a company has to immerse itself within the culture in which it is trying to open. Some cultures don't allow certain foods to be eaten, such as pork or beef or really, you name it and someone probably forbids it or is taboo somewhere. It's so important to understand culture and the people you're selling to before opening up a new enterprise in another country.
