Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Egalitarian Workplace: Pro or Con?

I found this article interesting because of the debate that it entailed. The first section talks about the pros of an egalitarian workplace where the hierarchy is essentially thrown out and there are no "bosses" at all. Everyone is placed on an equal footing regarding job title.

The second section was the con section and mainly talked about how hierarchies are a necessary part of large groups. The section says that hierarchy is ingrained in our very DNA and we need it to function as part of a group larger than a few people.

As fun as the idea sounds I think I would have to side with the con side of this argument. To a certain degree, yes, groups can work as equals but when it comes down to it, someone needs to make a decision and, maybe more importantly, someone needs to be held accountable for the decisions or actions of the group.

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