Thursday, April 14, 2011

Which Country Works The Hardest?

I found this article interesting. It's comparing the amount of work done in hours per country. It also compares data of paid and unpaid work. The highest working country is Mexico when combining paid and unpaid(chores, cleaning, etc) work."
In the United States, people spent about 8.2 hours per day on paid and unpaid work, including 4.8 hours each day on the job or studying.
The Belgians seem to have really figured out this work/life balance thing. The researchers said they spend about 3.8 hours each day on work and study, plus another 3.3 hours on other chores."

quote- from the article. While USA is toward the top half of the spectrum it is not nearly as high as some.
Belgium is looking pretty good right now!

1 comment:

  1. I think this article is extremely intersting. I would never assume that so little time was spent on paid jobs. I assumed that we as American's at least spent 6 hours a day just on work outside of the house. I alI so think it is interesting that other countries work as little as 3.8 or less hours a day on work. I wonder how this can be..... If this is in fact true we are in the wrong country!
